Saturday, May 4, 2013

Event preparations

Tommorow is the Cinco de Mayo Run and Walk. Today the Square has to be setup to prepare for the runners and walkers who start arriving at 6:30am on Sunday. The setup crew has to put up the tents and tables for registration, vendors and comfort stations. It’s a job that requires a lot of planning and hard work. I thought my readers would like see the preparations that go into preparing the Square for the big event. Thanks for all the hard work guys. Umbrella Man got into the action along with everyone else. There is no limit to his dedication to the success of the events held on the Square.

Friday, May 3, 2013

What's this?

What's this? That’s the question I heard people asking while I was taking photos of this exhibit. The answer: It’s a replica of a newly remodeled guestroom at the River Place Hotel in Portland. My question is who cares? Maybe a blurry-eyed business traveler who just got off MAX from the airport might be interested. I would guess 99% of the people crossing the Square could care less. After taking the photos, I grabbed a cup of Starbucks coffee and watched people approach the exhibit. Most people took a look inside and wandered away. My favorite was a guy in jogging gear, who ran up to the window, took a quick look inside and continued running. River Place Hotel had a webcam setup, so people could watch someone sleeping in the room overnight. I've always wanted to get up in the middle of the night and watch someone sleeping in a Yurt on Pioneer Courthouse Square. For me the trip to the Square wasn’t a total loss, I enjoyed a great cup of coffee in 77 degree sunshine.